March Ministry Recap
As we head into April, I want to update you guys on all of the ways God has been working in my life and in my ministry! Core : Getting to lead a Core this year has been such a sweet gift! I have loved getting to know the girls God has provided and cast a vision for them to use their college years to be disciples. We spent March giving girls in our core an opportunity to lead a study each week. This was a great way for our potential leaders to step up and gain some experience leading! We studied the book of Philippians, one chapter at a time. Philippians is such an encouraging book and we have all enjoyed doing a deeper study on it this month! From this we have learned about being a servant leader, finding a deep sense of joy in Christ, what it means to live as a citizen of heaven, and so much more! One of my prayers for my core before the school year was that they would be faithful, love God deeply, and love others well! I have seen this in them so clearly and for that, I am grateful!