
Showing posts from October, 2021

Fall at UTD

Welcome to my Ministry Update! I can’t believe we are already this far into the school year. God has grown my heart for the students he’s placed in my life more than I could have ever asked for, which has made this a really sweet semester of ministry. I hope by sharing about the past month, you will come to love them too!  Fall Camp Each year, FOCUS holds an event called Fall Camp. It is a 24 hour retreat held at a camp an hour from campus. The goal of Fall Camp is to help cores bond and make memories! We tell the students that the 24 hours you spend at Fall Camp is probably the most amount of time you will get with your core all year. I think the weekend spent at camp was a catalyst for the deep relationships that have started to form in our group. We spent the weekend listening to student testimonies, worshipping, doing arts and crafts, and going on walk and talks. As a leader, I had already started to form relationships with each of the girls in my core. So at Fall Camp, it was real