
Showing posts from July, 2021

Ministry in the Summer!

 Happy July!!  I am in awe of what God has done this past year of doing ministry. I am so thankful for all of you and how you supported, prayed for, and encouraged me during my apprenticeship. God used this past year to teach me about His sustaining grace and kindness, how to love people like He does, and what it really  means to be a pastor.  Final Thoughts from the Apprenticeship  At the end of May, all of the apprentices got to give End of Year sermons. In my sermon, I shared three takeaways that I am leaving the apprenticeship with. My first takeaway was that it is a big deal to be made in the image of God.  Here I talked about how as image bearers, we are given the responsibility to exude the characteristics of God. It is also of utmost importance to treat the people around us as if they are made in God's image, because they are! My second takeaway was I am allowed to be in process.  To be a vocational minister is not synonymous with having it all figured out. Ministry can be